Chikka and her blue paw

A Letter to My Cat

3 min readJan 19, 2021

Dear Chikka,

Yesterday you caused a ruckus in the place. You “accidentally” stepped on my freshly poured blue acrylic paint with your back paw and, upon realising the weird texture of the paint, decided to run around the place to spread the paint. On the carpet. On the couch. On your carrier. On tables. On your cat castle.

I guess we can say you painted the town blue.

Last Christmas, you brought down the tree…

I wanted to cry out of frustration. I just wanted to paint. I believed that you would do your usual thing of sleeping whilst I painted. But not yesterday. You decided to be unpredictable, which you often do anyway.

Instead of crying, I hurriedly picked up all the cleaning materials before the paint could dry. I wiped all the surfaces. I rubbed the carpet with the carpet spot cleaning wipes. I rubbed the off-white sofa with the furniture spot cleaning wipes. I thanked myself for being quite prepared for that moment.

You were calmly sitting on the table watching me. After I did the couch, I started to clean your paw as you were more calmer. You did not like it but I kept telling you that you needed to clean your paw because if the paint dried then you would not be able to take it off easily. You somehow seemed to understand and vigorously began cleaning it yourself, which paid off. Thank God for non-toxic acrylic paint.

You always have a knack for naughty acts!

In the middle of everything, I tried to remember all the days that you’ve been kinder to me — and there have been a lot of those days.

You have helped keep me sane during the past weeks. You kept me laughing with your cleverness. You have a Superior IQ, according to the Cat IQ Test, which is not that surprising.

You seem to know how to communicate with humans — pointing at the toys you specifically want to play with, meowing to get our attention, meowing to scold us when we forget to do something or when your litter tray needs a clean. It makes me laugh!

That time you did not want me to work… (almost always)

You are also ever so sweet and clingy. Everyday, you wake us up with your demands for morning pats on the bed. If we’re too stubborn to wake up, you put your tail right on our face. You lick our hands to let us know you own us. And after we’ve been gone for too long, you snuggle with us upon return. #SnuggleFest


And when you are not naughty or demanding to let us play with you, you play with invisible friends around the house. You play with your furry friends hanging around your cat tree. You calmly sleep in so many different areas around the place with unlimited sleeping positions.

Anyways, after cleaning your mess, I decided to paint again to make myself calmer, which worked. In the end, I finally found the whole incident funny and laughed at your smart way to get my attention.

Your naughtiness and cleverness make you incredibly funny and one in a million. So even if there are days that you make me want to scream and cry, I don’t think I can imagine any day without you now. Thank you for being in our lives.

Love always,

Mum xx

